
Open RAN




Building the Future of Connectivity with
Open RAN and Open Source.






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全球主要國家已積極投入5G Advanced Open RAN系統開發與6G前瞻技術研究,國際標準組織預定於2027年底或2028年初訂定第一版6G國際標準內容。
為追蹤6G最新技術與5G Advanced Open RAN系統軟體發展,並與國際產學研組織交流,追蹤最新國內外產業與技術動態。本次活動特排定於O-RAN Alliance F2F-Asia在韓國活動之後,期能順道吸引更多國際6G與O-RAN專家來台與國內產學研組織近距離交流。


5G Open RAN年度盛會

With the support of the O-RAN ALLIANCE, we are thrilled to announce the 2024 Open RAN Summit in Taipei. Scheduled to be held at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) from June 17th to June 18th, 2024, this summit embodies the collaborative efforts of ITRI, NTUST, EURECOM, SUTD, TEEMA, and NYCU.International O-RAN experts, esteemed research institutions, and leading vendors will offer insightful perspectives on topics including nGRG, 6G, OSC, OAI, and AI. Additionally, Telecom Operators will share their experiences regarding O-RAN system verification and deployment.

Established in 2018 by leading telecommunications operators, the O-RAN ALLIANCE stands as a global driving force for collaboration and innovation in the telecom industry, dedicated to transforming Radio Access Networks to be open, intelligent, virtualized and fully interoperable.

With 18 booths showcasing a diverse array of O-RAN system products from both domestic and international companies and institutions, the summit promises invaluable opportunities for international collaboration and exchange.

Given the limited seating available, we encourage early registration to secure your place at this exciting event. Join us as we collectively shape the future of telecommunications.

在 O-RAN 聯盟的支持下,我們很高興宣布2024年開放基站高峰論壇將在台北舉行。 此次高峰論壇定於 6 月 17 日至 18 日在台灣科技大學 (NTUST) 舉行,體現了工研院、台科大、法國EURECOM、新加坡SUTD、TEEMA 和 陽明交大的共同努力。國際 O-RAN 專家、知名研究機構和系統供應商將就 nGRG、6G、OSC、OAI 和 AI 等主題分享富有洞察力的觀點。此外,電信營運商也將分享他們在O-RAN系統驗證和部署方面的經驗。

O-RAN 聯盟由國際領先的電信營運商於2018年成立,推動全球電信產業的協作和創新,致力於將電信存取網路(RAN)轉變為開放、智慧、虛擬化和完全可互通之架構。此次高峰會設有18個展位,展示了來自國內外企業和機構的各種O-RAN系統產品,為國際合作和交流提供了寶貴的機會。


  • 國際O-RAN ALLIANCE五大創始運營商、知名研究機構、系統平台、開源軟體及驗證測試等國際專家,與國內產業專家將齊聚一堂,進行主題演講和交流。
  • 探討6G、nGRG、OSC、OAI、AI等前沿主題。
  • 運營商分享最新Open RAN驗證成果和部署進展。

議程豐富,精彩可期,由於座位有限,請提早報名!! (本活動為全程英文演講)



Organizing Committee,General Co-chairs


Tony YangTechnical Director, Information and Communications Research Laboratories,Industrial Technology Research Institute

Prof. Ray-Guang ChengDirector of Computer Center, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

Prof. Navid NikaeinCEO at BubbleRAN, Telco Cloud & O-RAN/Professor at EURECOM

Prof. Tony Q. S. QuekHead of Pillar ISTD and Director, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Dr. Chih-Lin ICMCC Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute/Co-chair, O-RAN ALLIANCE Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

Dr. Sadayuki AbetaGlobal Head of Open RAN, NTT DOCOMO



Dr. Alex Jinsung ChoiChair of the Board, O-RAN ALLIANCE/ SVP, Deutsche Telekom

Dr. Chih-Lin ICMCC Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute/Co-chair, O-RAN ALLIANCE Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

Dr. Sadayuki AbetaGlobal Head of Open RAN, NTT DOCOMO

Mr. David KinseyLead Principal Technical Architect, AT&T/Co-chair, O-RAN Software Community (OSC) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)

Mr. Ayush SharmaChief Technology Officer, StarHub

Dr. Julien BoudaniStandardization Strategy & Open Source Manager, Orange

Dr. Tao ChenPrincipal scientist at VTT Finland/ Co-chair of the next generation research group (nGRG) , O-RAN ALLIANCE

Mr. Eng Wei KooDirector of Technology, Keysight/Co-chair, O-RAN ALLIANCE TSC Minimum Viable Plan Committee (MVP-C) /Co-chair, O-RAN ALLIANCE Testing & Integration Focus Group (TIFG)

Dr. Ian WongDirector of RF and Wireless Architecture at VIAVI Solutions/ Co-chair, Testing & Integration Focus Group, O-RAN ALLIANCE

Prof. Raymond KnoppHead of the Communication Systems Department, EURECOM/Leader in the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Community

Prof. Tommaso MelodiaDirector of Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things/ William Lincoln Smith Professor at Northeastern University

Dr. Pang-An TingGeneral Director, Information Communication Research Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Prof. Binbin ChenSingapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Prof. Navid NikaeinCEO at BubbleRAN, Telco Cloud & O-RAN/Professor at EURECOM

Ms. Amparo CanaverasSenior Solutions Architect AI, NVIDIA

Prof. Merouane DebbahProfessor at Khalifa University of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi / Founding Director of the KU 6G Research Center

Mr. Wu Sz-HsienHead of Open RAN Lab of Chunghwa Telecom Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom

Mr. Jason TsaiEcosystem Development Manager, Network and Edge Group, Intel

Mr. Aaron ChuangSenior Director at Compal

Dr. Hsu-Tung Chien Deputy Manager, Pegatron Corporation

Ms. Selena HsuVice President at Auray Technology 

Mr. Jeffrey ChenGeneral Manager of Solution Engineering Organization, Keysight Technologies

Mr. James ChenDirector, Cloud Solution Engineering Division II, Quanta Cloud Technology

Mr. Johnny WuManager at Auray Technology Corp

Dr. Peter WuCEO of ASUS Cloud & TWSC

Mr. Adam SmithDirector of Product Marketing, LitePoint

Dr. Chun Chi SuSpecial Assistant to General Manager, Metanoia Communications

Dr. Gene ChuangCTO, Networking, Wistron NeWeb Corporation (WNC)

Prof. Tony QuekHead of Pillar ISTD and Director, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Prof. Ray-Guang ChengDirector of Computer Center, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

Mr. Wan Yi LinTechnical Manager, Information Communication Research Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Mr. Gene ChuangCTO, Networking, Wistron NeWeb Corporation (WNC)

Prof. Tony QuekHead of Pillar ISTD and Director, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)










C○○一 辨識個人者。例如:姓名、職稱、住址、工作地址、以前地址、住家電話號碼、行動電話、即時通帳號、網路平臺申請之帳號、通訊及戶籍地址、相片、指紋、電子郵遞地址、電子簽章、憑證卡序號、憑證序號、提供網路身分認證或申辦查詢服務之紀錄及其他任何可辨識資料本人者等。

C○六一 現行之受僱情形。例如:僱主、工作職稱、工作描述、等級、受僱日期、工時、工作地點、產業特性、受僱之條件及期間、與現行僱主有關之以前責任與經驗等。






















Exhibition Booth


Area A

(Click the logo for more info)

Area B

(Click the logo for more info)



1. 地點資訊

國立台灣科技大學 國際大樓 IB-101


2. 交通資訊





Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi.Pdf

Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi.mp4

Dr. Tao Chen.pdf

Dr. Tao Chen.mp4

Dr. Sadayuki Abeta.pdf

Dr. Sadayuki Abeta.mp4

Dr. Julien Boudani.pdf

Dr. Julien Boudani.mp4

Prof. Tomasso Melodia.pdf

Prof. Tommaso Melodia.mp4

Mr. Wu Sz Hsien.pdf

Mr. Sz-Hsien Wu .mp4

Ms. Amparo Canaveras.pdf

Ms. Amparo Canaveras.mp4

Prof. Navid Nikaein (Panel).pdf

Prof. Navid Nikaein (Panel).mp4

Dr. Chih Lin I.pdf

Dr. Chih-Lin I.mp4

Dr. Hsu-Tung Chien.pdf

Dr. Hsu-Tung Chien.mp4

Dr. Pang-An Ting.pdf

Dr. Pang-An Ting.mp4

Mr. Wan Yi Lin.pdf

Mr. Wan-Yi Lin.mp4

Mr. Jason Tsai.pdf

Mr. Jason Tsai.mp4



2024 Open RAN Summit
2024 Open RAN Summit

Tony Yang

Technical Director, Information and Communications Research Laboratories,Industrial Technology Research Institute

Prof. Ray-Guang Cheng

Director of Computer Center, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

Prof. Navid Nikaein

CEO at BubbleRAN, Telco Cloud & O-RAN/Professor at EURECOM

Navid Nikaein is the CEO and founder of BubbleRAN, a professor in communication system department at Eurecom, and board member of OpenAirInterface Software Alliance. Through different roles, he is helping organizations to create an open, sustainable, and scalable 5G/6G O-RAN infrastructure featuring intelligent connectivity and Open Ecosystem on the path toward 6G.

Prof. Tony Quek

Head of Pillar ISTD and Director, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Dr. Chih-Lin I

CMCC Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute/Co-chair, O-RAN ALLIANCE Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

Chih-Lin is the Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies at ChinaMobile. She received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. She has won the 2005 IEEE ComSoc Stephen Rice Prize, 2018 IEEE ComSoc Fred W. Ellersick Prize, 7th IEEE Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award, and 2015 IEEE Industrial Innovation Award for Leadership and Innovation in Next-Generation Cellular Wireless Networks.

She is the Co-Chair of the O-RAN Technical Steering Committee and an O-RAN Executive Committee Member, the Chair of FuTURE 5G/6G SIG, the Chair of WAIA (Wireless AI Alliance) Executive Committee, an Executive Board Member of GreenTouch, a Network Operator Council Founding Member of ETSI NFV, a Steering Board Member and Vice Chair of WWRF, a Steering Committee member and the Publication Chair of IEEE 5G and Future Networks Initiatives, the Founding Chair of the IEEE WCNC Steering Committee, the Director of the IEEE ComSoc Meetings and Conferences Board, a Senior Editor of IEEE Trans. Green Comm. & Networking, an Area Editor of ACM/IEEE Trans. Networking, an Editorial Board member of IEEE Access; Executive Co-chair of IEEE Globecom 2020, IEEE WCNC 2007, IEEE WOCC 2004 and 2000; a member of IEEE ComSoc SDB, SPC, and CSCN-SC; Chair of IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award Committee, a member of IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal Committee and IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on the Review of Fellow Elevation; an International Advisory Panel Member of Singapore FCP, and a Scientific Advisory Board Member of Singapore NRF.

She has published over 200 papers in scientific journals, book chapters and conferences and holds over 100 patents. She is co-author of the book “Green and Software-defined Wireless Networks – From Theory to Practice” and has also Co-edited three books: “Ultra-dense Networks – Principles and Applications”, “5G Networks – Fundamental Requirements, Enabling Technologies, and Operations Management”, and “Blockchains: Empowering Technologies and Industrial Applications”. She has given more than 100 5G and 6G keynote speeches worldwide and has around 20000 Google Scholar citations in the past decade.

She is a Life Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of WWRF. Her current research interests center around ICDT Deep Convergence: “From Green & Soft to Open & Smart”.

Dr. Sadayuki Abeta

Global Head of Open RAN, NTT DOCOMO

Sadayuki Abeta is Chief Open RAN strategist and OREX evangelist in NTT DOCOMO for creating open RAN ecosystem globally and shaping them to meet customer and service provider needs.
Since joining NTT DOCOMO, INC in 1997, He has been working for research, standardization and development of the UMTS/W-CDMA, HPSA, LTE, LTE-Advanced and 5G. From 2005 to 2009, he was a vice chairman of 3GPP TSG-RAN WG1 and rapporteur of LTE and LTE-Advanced in 3GPP TSG RAN WG1. From 2018-2022, he was a General Manager of the Radio Access Network Development Department, which is responsible for development of LTE, 5G, X-haul and satellite communications.
He received the Ph.D. degrees in electrical communication engineering from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan in 1997.

Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi

Chair of the Board, O-RAN ALLIANCE/ SVP, Deutsche Telekom

Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi is Chairman of the O-RAN ALLIANCE and Senior Vice President, Group Technology and Head of T-Labs, which is the central Research & Development division of Deutsche Telekom. In addition, he is member of the Technology & Innovation management board, where he has responsibility for several strategic topics.

Dr. Choi has been a thought leader for over 20 years in the mobile telecommunication industry & consumer electronics by driving forward key strategic and research topics in Telco and AI.

Dr. Choi was the first Chairman of the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) and previously served as CTO for SK Telekom. With the introduction of “NUGU”, the first AI- based virtual assistant in Korea, Dr. Choi was influential in the development of AI solutions.

Mr. David Kinsey

Lead Principal Technical Architect, AT&T/Co-chair, O-RAN Software Community (OSC) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)

David Kinsey started his career as a software developer over 35 years ago. His work has spanned several different aspects in the communications sector. He has developed software for mainframe, hand-held and even embedded systems. Around 20 years ago he became a solution architect with an emphasis on cellular network management. Over the past 5 years he has been supporting the O-RAN Alliance contributing to standards for O-RAN network functions and infrastructure management for the O-Cloud. Currently, he co-chairs Working Group 10 in the O-RAN Alliance defining the Operation and Maintenance Architecture. He also co-chairs the O-RAN Source Community with its several projects which demonstrate specific aspects of the overall O-RAN Architecture.

Mr. Ayush Sharma

Chief Technology Officer, StarHub

Ayush provides leadership to maintain a robust and efficient network to support
StarHub’s multiple lines of business. He is also responsible for advancing StarHub’s network transformation initiatives to accelerate business growth. Ayush brings more than 20 years of experience in delivering ground breaking technologies and industry-first products, and was most recently the Vice President, Head of Metaverse & Edge Platforms Business, Rakuten (USA). He is also a successful entrepreneur, having co-invented “Latency-as-a-service” architecture and algorithms to help MotoJeannie, a start-up business, deliver
engaging rich-media interactive streaming, gaming, and XR-based collaboration

With previous leadership experience at Cisco, Ericsson, and Huawei, Ayush has
led the design and technology adoption programs for over 30 fixed, satellite,
mobile, and cloud networks globally. He launched several successful initiatives
that have helped shape the industry, pioneering solutions ranging from the
world’s first Wi-Fi calling platform and first router in Outer Space, to the first
commercial-grade Software Defined Networking controller.

Ayush holds a Master of Science in Data Communications from Brunel University London, United Kingdom and has completed the Stanford Executive Management program.

Dr. Julien Boudani

Standardization Strategy & Open Source Manager, Orange

Technical competencies

Methodologies: Agile (SCRUM), V-Model

Languages: C, C++, Java, SQL, HTML, XML, UML, PHP, REST, SOAP


IDE: Visual Studio, Eclipse, Rational Rose

Platforms: ACS, Smartvision, CMS

Standards: 3GPP, ESTI NFV, IMS, VOIP, SIP, HTTP, RTSP/RTP, MPEG, H323, IETF, TCP/IP Configuration management: CVS, ClearCase,
Quality Center, IBM Jazz (RRC, RTC)

Misc: Wireshark, SGBD INGRES, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MSProject, Power Bi

Educational profile

2009 Master2 in Project management
2004 PHD in computer science University of Rennes I
1994 Computer and communications engineering Lebanese University

►Theatre, Guitar, Yoga, Traveling

Strategy Manager: Standardization and Open Source – Orange
innovation Since 01/2023
– Strategy for participation and engagement to the Standardisation bodies and the
open-source ecosystem for Networks, Telco Cloud and Network APIs – Telecom Infra Project BoD alternate

Co-lead department Target Costing & Procurement – BuyIn, the
Joint Venture between Orange and Deutsche Telekom (Issy-les
Moulineaux) 06/2016-12/2022
– Co-Lead of Target Costing & Procurement department (18 experts)

  • Cost and technical analysis, design to cost and optimization: Software &
    Applications, Digital Home and TV Cloud Platforms (IPTV and OTT), IT services, Virtual Network Functions (for Legacy and 5G networks) and Data Centre Cost modelling.
  • Negotiation and Collaboration with suppliers: exploring savings opportunities and identifying cost scaling factors.
  • Managing development of BuyIn tools for Automation and Digitalization
  • Working in cross-functional teams from Marketing, Technology, Finance and Sourcing for new products development

Quality Assurance Lead Engineer – Davidson for BOUYGUES

TELECOM (Meudon) 04/2013-05/2016
– QA Team leader: Manager Test & Validation Team (6 engineers)

  • Organizing test campaigns (Planning and cost)
  • Evaluating software quality (external and internal providers)
  • Monitoring & analysis of network traffic between the device & different
    platforms (STB, IAD, CMS, ACS, CDN Broadpeak, Google OTA, mobile apps)

Solution Architect End To End – Davidson for BOUYGUES TELECOM
(Meudon) 11/2011-04/2013
– Product Owner (SCRUM Agile Method) for the development team « Services »

  • Setting the goals for each RUN & drafting user stories
  • Point of contact with stake holders: Mrktg, providers, Technical Leaders, leads developers, security team, tests/validation/integration teams, different system’s architects, platforms.
  • Evaluating System needs and cost analysis for developing new functionalities.
  • Following End-To-End testing, Integration and Validation
  • Writing technical research projects (subjects related to Internet of things & security) to benefit from public grants & funding (CIR)

Business manager in charge of R&D-Innovation – DIGIPORT /
Euratechnologies (Lille) 10/2008-10/2011
– Innovation strategy consultant for the French NPDC region

  • Preparation of international development plans and EU projects
  • Incubation process evaluation for Euratechnologies (IT activity park)
  • IT project management (national and EU) & conferences organization
  • Technology transfer management (4 projects between research labs and

Senior R&D Network, Video & Embedded Software Engineer – CISCO / Scientific Atlanta R&D (Kortrijk, Belgium) 03/2008-09/2008
– Research & Development on new features for the DCM (Digital Content

Senior R&D Network, Video & Embedded Software Engineer –
Technicolor (ex THOMSON R&D), (Rennes) 09/2005-02/2008

  • Project manager / solution architect (1 developer, 1 PHD student)
    o Research proposals: writing technical specifications & patents
    o POC Modelling & development
  • Writing & participating to EU research projects / standardization bodies
    (Steering committee ITEA2, FP7, VSF, IETF, Broadband Forum)
  • Technologies: multimedia transport over IP, DSL, TR69, WI-FI, FEC, DVB-IP/H, P2P, JPEG2K, SDI

Assistant professor – University of Rennes I (Rennes) 
– Research and Ph.D. Thesis: Multicast routing and traffic engineering in high
speed networks using MPLS. I studied solutions based on central use of a core
entity vs. distributed ones
– Teaching (B.S. and Master’s in Computer science): Networking protocols &
communication infrastructures, Network administration, Databases, Artificial
intelligence, Programming languages: C, C++

Network Administrator and Webmaster – CRI (Beirut) 10/1998-12/2000
– Project Manager (3 engineers) : Setting Internet Access services for the
Lebanese university

System and Database Engineer – CRDP (Beirut) 06/1995-09/1998
– Team Manager (6 developers, 8 Statisticians) to develop applications over Unixet SGBDR INGRES platforms

  • System administrator (HP-UNIX, SCO UNIX) and database administrator
    (SGBDR INGRES 6.4)
  • Architect, Designer, developer for applications related to educational system

Dr. Tao Chen

Principal scientist at VTT Finland/ Co-chair of the next generation research group (nGRG) , O-RAN ALLIANCE

Dr. Tao Chen is a principal scientist at VTT Finland and the co-chair of the next generation research group (nGRG) in O-RAN Alliance. At VTT, he was leading a team that creates AI/ML applications, data analytics, and data-driven solutions for various industry sectors, such as telecommunications, satellite remote sensing, automated driving, and mining. He has more than 20 years of experience in the communication sector and great experience managing significant research and development projects in Europe. In 2015, Dr. Chen’s EU COHERENT project was the first to introduce the RAN intelligent controller concept within a software defined RAN. He is a Royal Academy of Engineering visiting professor at University of Kent, UK, and associate professor (Docent) at University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Mr. Eng Wei Koo

Director of Technology, Keysight/Co-chair, O-RAN ALLIANCE TSC Minimum Viable Plan Committee (MVP-C) /Co-chair, O-RAN ALLIANCE Testing & Integration Focus Group (TIFG)

Dr. Ian Wong

Director of RF and Wireless Architecture at VIAVI Solutions/ Co-chair, Testing & Integration Focus Group, O-RAN ALLIANCE

Dr. Ian C. Wong is currently the Director of RF and Wireless Architecture reporting to the CTO at VIAVI Solutions, where he is leading RF and wireless technology strategy, architectures, and standards.  He is the co-chair of the Test and Integration Focus Group (TIFG) in the O-RAN Alliance, and VIAVI’s representative at the full member and steering groups of the NextG Alliance. He is also the technical lead in the VIAVI Automated Lab-as-a-Service for Open RAN (VALOR) Test and Evaluation proposal which was awarded $21.7M by the NTIA Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund’s first Notice of Funding Opportunity.

From 2009 – Aug 2020, he was with NI (formerly National Instruments, since acquired by Emerson) where his last position was Section Manager of Wireless Systems R&D where he led the development of real-time end-to-end 5G wireless test and prototyping systems, and managed the company’s 3GPP wireless standards and IP strategy.  From 2007-2009, he was a systems research and standards engineer with Freescale Semiconductor where he represented Freescale in the 3GPP LTE standardization efforts.  He is a senior member of the IEEE, was the Director of Industry Communities for IEEE Communications Society 2016-2019, and was the Industry Program Chair for IEEE Globecom 2014 in Austin.  

Dr. Wong is lead editor of the book “Open RAN: The Definitive Guide” published by Wiley/IEEE in 2023, co-authored the book “Resource Allocation for Multiuser Multicarrier Wireless Systems” published by Springer, numerous patents, standards contributions, and IEEE journal and conference publications. He was awarded the Texas Telecommunications Engineering Consortium Fellowship in 2003-2004, and the Wireless Networking and Communications Group student leadership award in 2007.

He received the MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and a BS degree in electronics and communications engineering (magna cum laude) from the University of the Philippines in 2000.

Prof. Raymond Knopp

Head of the Communication Systems Department, EURECOM/Leader in the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Community

Professor Raymond KNOPP received his PhD degree in Communication Systems from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne in 1997. His current research and teaching interests are in the area of digital communications, software radio architectures, and implementation aspects of signal processing systems and real-time wireless networking protocols. He is current head of the Communication Systems Department at EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France. He is a leading figure in the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Community and has been instrumental in making open software for Radio Access Networks a reality through contributions over two decades. He is one of the very first and one of the most significant contributors to the OAI codebase. He was elected as the President of the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA), a non-profit organization federating the OAI and Mosaic5G codebases in December 2018. He is a fellow of the IEEE. He is co-inventor of over 15 patents targeting ongoing 3GPP 5G standardization and participates in technical contributions to 3GPP RAN study and work items on behalf of EURECOM.

Prof. Tommaso Melodia

Director of Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things/ William Lincoln Smith Professor at Northeastern University

Bio: Tommaso Melodia is the William Lincoln Smith Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University in Boston. He is also the Founding Director of the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things and the Director of Research for the PAWR Project Office. He received his Laurea (integrated BS and MS) from the University of Rome – La Sapienza and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2007. He is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Member, and a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER award. He received several best paper awards, including at IEEE Infocom 2022. Prof. Melodia is the Editor in Chief for Computer Networks and a co-founder of the 6G Symposium, and served as the Technical Program Committee Chair for IEEE Infocom, and General Chair for ACM MobiHoc, among others. Prof. Melodia’s research on modeling, optimization, and experimental evaluation of wireless networked systems has been funded by many US government and industry entities.

Dr. Pang-An Ting

General Director, Information Communication Research Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Vice President of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) General Director of the Information and Communication Research Laboratories (ICL), ITRI

■ 30 years of experience working on research projects and team management. Has been working on chip designs of WiFi, WCDMA and WiMAX, as well as 4G and 5G base station, LEO communication systems.
■ Currently is in charging of ITRKs R&D activities on wireless communication, information and Al/big-data technologies development, including planning, designs, implementation, standard participation and business development.
■ Also has served as the convener and director of the supervisory council of more than 10 public associations.

Email: pating@itri.org.tw

Prof. Binbin Chen

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Dr. CHEN Binbin is an Associate Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He also serves as the Deputy Director for the Future Communications Research and Development Programme (FCP), which is Singapore’s national programme to strengthen its 5G ecosystem and accelerate the research and translation of future communications technologies. His current research interests include wireless networking, distributed systems, and cyber security for critical infrastructures. His research has received several awards, including the Best Paper Award in ACM SIGCOMM conference 2010 for the work on Error Estimating Coding. Binbin helped set up the Future Communications Connectivity Lab (FCCLab) at SUTD in 2022 and Asia and Pacific OTIC in Singapore in 2023.

Ms. Amparo Canaveras

Senior Solutions Architect AI, NVIDIA

With more than two decades of expertise in the telecommunications industry, Amparo’s in-depth experience in Operator Analytics distinguishes her as one of the most well-versed professionals in the field. Her career was sparked at Nokia in Network Operations and Analytics, where she established a solid foundation in understanding Network Data. She further refined her expertise in data science at Verizon, where her contributions were instrumental to significant AI initiatives.

Amparo’s academic credentials are as impressive as her professional achievements. She holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and two master’s degrees: one in Business Intelligence and Analytics from Stevens Institute of Technology, and another in Systems Design and Management from MIT.

Currently, Amparo a Senior Solutions Architect at NVIDIA, leading the charge in applying Generative AI to deliver unparalleled value for telecommunications companies. Her role transcends technical development; she offers visionary leadership in deploying AI solutions that are set to transform industry benchmarks in telecom.

Prof. Merouane Debbah

Professor at Khalifa University of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi / Founding Director of the KU 6G Research Center

Mérouane Debbah is Professor at Khalifa University of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi and founding Director of the KU 6G Research Center. He is a frequent keynote speaker at international events in the field of telecommunication and AI. His research has been lying at the interface of fundamental mathematics, algorithms, statistics, information and communication sciences with a special focus on random matrix theory and learning algorithms. In the Communication field, he has been at the heart of the development of small cells (4G), Massive MIMO (5G) and Large Intelligent Surfaces (6G) technologies. In the AI field, he is known for his work on Large Language Models, distributed AI systems for networks and semantic communications. He received multiple prestigious distinctions, prizes and best paper awards (more than 40 IEEE best paper awards) for his contributions to both fields and according to research.com is ranked as the best scientist in France in the field of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. He is an IEEE Fellow, a WWRF Fellow, a Eurasip Fellow, an AAIA Fellow, an Institut Louis Bachelier Fellow and a Membre émérite SEE. His recent work led to the development of NOOR (upon it release, largest language model in Arabic) released in 2022 and Falcon LLM (upon its release, top ranked open source large language model) released in 2023. He is a member of the Marconi Prize Selection Advisory Committee.

Mr. Wu Sz-Hsien

Head of Open RAN Lab of Chunghwa Telecom Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom

Deputy Manager and Head of Open RAN Lab, Chunghwa Telecom

Sz-Hsien is the leader of the Open RAN R&D team at Chunghwa Telecom. His primary research interests include RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC), Testing, and System Integration. He has made significant contributions to the field by designing an automated end-to-end testing platform for Open RAN, complete with a comprehensive set of test cases. This innovative solution has been landed in multiple high-profile projects, including the “Asia Silicon Valley, 5G Open Network Integration Verification and Promotion Plan,” which is funded by the National Development Council in Taiwan. This solution has been instrumental in aiding over 20 domestic manufacturers in their end-to-end integration and deployment efforts. Through his work, Chunghwa Telecom has played a pivotal role in accelerating the growth of the Open RAN ecosystem in Taiwan and Asia.

Mr. Jason Tsai

Ecosystem Development Manager, Network and Edge Group, Intel

Title: AI in Open RAN – Benefits & Considerations

AI is the transformative technology of our time. It is already impacting how we live, work, and play. Businesses are starting to investigate using AI, and Telcos are no exception. We are just scratching the surface, there is tremendous potential for AI in all aspects of the Telco industry. In this presentation, we will discuss some AI use cases with benefits for a few use cases. We will also discuss ROI aspects to take into account in developing and deploying AI in the network.

Mr. Aaron Chuang

Senior Director at Compal

  • Compal 5G Infrastructure BU R&D senior director, lead Open RAN development in Compal
  • 25 years in telecom & communication Industry, including networking, operator, mobile phone & infrastructure.
  • Email: aaron_chuang@compal.com

Dr. Hsu-Tung Chien

Deputy Manager, Pegatron Corporation

Career History

  • 2023 – Now, Deputy manager, Pegatron Corporation
  • 2021 – 2023, Associate manager, Alpha Networks Inc.
  • 2020 – 2021, Postdoc, National Chiao-Tung University
  • 2019 – 2020, Associated technical manager, O’Prueba Technology Inc.
  • 2014 – 2019, Researcher, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)


  • 2017 – 2019, Ph.D. , Computer Scient, National Chiao-Tung University
  • 2014 – 2017, M.S. , Computer Scient, National Chiao-Tung University

Hsu-Tung Chien is currently leveraging his expertise and experience at Pegatron Corporation BG 6 for business development. He is driving initiatives to further advance technological solutions and deliver exceptional results in the industry.

Hsu-Tung has a strong background in wireless networks, mobile networks, and protocol design. From 2020 to 2023, he led an R&D team that successfully developed 5G MEC and UPF. Besides, Hsu-Tung contributed to several H2020 projects, including 5GPPP, 5G-CORAL, Crosshaul, and Transformer. In these projects, he played a crucial role in designing and developing an integrated edge and fog system, front-/backhauls, and a vertical slicer for 5G networks.

Ms. Selena Hsu

Vice President at Auray Technology

Name: Selena Hsu
Title: Vice President
Company: Auray Technology Corp. ( Auray OTIC & Security Lab)


  • MD in International Affairs, Department of Global Politics and Economics, Tamkang University, Taiwan
  • Strategic Business Management Program, The International Trade Institute (ITI), Taiwan
  • Others:
    ▲Member of Test & Integration Focus Group (TIFG), O-RAN Alliance
    ▲Committee member of Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO), National Health Research Institutes

Main Experiences

  • 8-year experiences in project management of design and development of smart phones
  • 12-year experiences in management of sales team on RF testing solutions and Biomedical & electromagnetic HW & SW testing solutions
  • 3-year experiences in management of testing lab on cybersecurity and radio network
  • 3-year experiences in procurement of equipment & components for R&D and manufacture

Mr. Jeffrey Chen

General Manager of Solution Engineering Organization, Keysight Technologies

General Manager
Greater China Wireless & Network Solutions Engr. Organization
Keysight Technologies Taiwan

Jeffrey Chen leads the wireless and network solutions engineering teams, providing solution development, delivery, and support services in various wireless industries. The technologies involved includes 6G, 5G and 4G/3G/2G mobile communication, wireless infrastructures, Open RAN, wireless connectivity, Internet of Things, millimeter-wave communication, satellite
communication, etc. These services cater to customers working with chipset IC and device designers, researchers, manufacturers, operators, and certification labs in the Greater China region.

Since 2016, Jeffrey has also held the position of Greater China Key Account CTO. In this role, he provides a broader perspective that encompasses design, simulation, the crucial aspects of test and measurement. This enables effective technical collaboration with major customers, ensuring seamless support throughout the entire process.

Jeffrey has obtained master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University. He began his career in 1999 by joining Hewlett Packard Taiwan as a project and application engineer for system solutions.

Mr. James Chen

Director of Solution Engineering Division, Quanta Cloud Technology

He works for QCT as the team lead of end-to-end Integration and test for Enterprise 5G solution . 

As the network architect after he got Cisco CCIE #6941 certification, he has researched network technology and telecom solutions for more than 20 years.

Mr. Johnny Wu

Manager at Auray Technology Corp

Johnny Wu has 18 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and in managing ISO-17025 certified laboratories. He currently serves as the manager of the OTIC lab at Auray Technology. Auray Technology is a company headquartered in Taiwan whose OTIC lab is accredited by the O-RAN Alliance. The lab specializes in testing and certifying O-RAN products, allowing products that pass the tests to obtain O-RAN Certification and Badging. With his extensive professional knowledge and experience accumulated over many years, Johnny Wu leads the laboratory team to ensure a rigorous certification process, helping vendors launch high-quality products that comply with O-RAN standards.

Dr. Peter Wu

CEO of ASUS Cloud & TWSC

Current Job: CEO of ASUS Cloud and TWSC

• Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
• Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Peter Wu is a highly accomplished executive with a diverse range of experiences and achievements in the technology industry. He currently holds two prominent positions, serving as the CEO of ASUS Cloud of Taiwan Web Service Corporation.

In addition to his current roles, Peter Wu is actively involved in various organizations and committees. He serves as a committee member of the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Promotion Office under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Peter Wu is also holds the position of Director at Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C., Supervisor at the Cloud Computing & IoT Association in Taiwan and serves as the Deputy Director of the Policy and Legal Committee and President of Taipei Computer Association AI Alliance. Through these roles, he helps drive policy discussions and promote the growth of cloud computing in Taiwan.

Recognized for his expertise and insights, Peter Wu was appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on Bio Taiwan Committee by the Executive Yuan in 2017 and 2019. In this capacity, he provided valuable guidance and advice on the strategic direction of the biotechnology industry in Taiwan.

With a wealth of experience and a passion for technology and innovation, Peter Wu is a highly respected leader in the industry. His contributions to the advancement of cloud computing, smart healthcare, and the software industry have been instrumental in driving growth and shaping the future of Taiwan’s technology landscape.

Mr. Adam Smith

Director of Product Marketing, LitePoint

Adam Smith is the Director of Marketing at LitePoint and a 25-year veteran of the RF industry, with expertise in semiconductor and system level test strategies for cellular and connectivity technologies. A member of the LitePoint team since 2012, Adam’s knowledge and experience has been instrumental in driving product strategy for LitePoint test solutions.

Dr. Chun Chi Su

Special Assistant to General Manager, Metanoia Communications

Dr. Gene Chuang

CTO, Networking, Wistron NeWeb Corporation (WNC)


Ph.D. EE of USC and BS/MS NCTU. Senior IEEE. Outstanding Engineer Award 2018 awarded by President Tsai Ing-Wen, ROC (Taiwan)

Experienced in DSP/SoC/FPGA design and system, OFDM comm., 5G O-RAN and Integrated Small-cell, LTE and WiFi, Broadband Wire and Wireless Convergence, SDN switch, Time-Sensitive IP Network, Edge AI Server and Smart-NIC Accelerator.

Mr. Wan Yi Lin

Technical Manager, Information Communication Research Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Wan-Yi Lin has over 15 years’ experience in the mobile network and virtualization.
He is currently contributing to the ICL/ITRI as the technical lead for the QoE optimized 5G private network project.
Throughout his career, he has been active in research, development and network system integration of wireless network technologies, particularly:O-RAN RIC, NFV, MEC and 4G/5G system.


Pegatron 5G is a provider of end-to-end comprehensive solutions. Leveraging extensive product development experience and vertically integrated manufacturing capabilities, Pegatron established the O-RAN team in 2018. Drawing on our original design philosophy, Pegatron 5G is fully committed to developing products compliant with O-RAN specifications, including a family of 5G Radios, Servers, and Networking products. Together with edge computing and network management solutions tailored for private networks, we provide complete end-to-end solutions. We are fueled by a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of the multifaceted demands driving industry transformation. Our goal is not only to realize new communication methods but also to unlock endless possibilities within the industry.


Compal is a leading provider of telecommunications solutions, committed to delivering cutting-edge technologies and services to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Compal is ranked as a Taiwan Top 5 large scale manufacturer and a Global Fortune 500 company. Compal invests in product diversification for years and starts its 5G technologies business since 2018. It offers wild solutions and complete portfolio, including 5G O-RAN, 5G small cells, 5G wireless modules as well as 5G smart wearable devices. Compal is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, with production bases and after-sales service centers in China, the United States, Vietnam, Brazil, and Poland. For more information: www.compal.com

VIAVI Solutions

ABOUT VIAVI For over 100 years, VIAVI Solutions has been directly involved in testing, assuring and securing the largest communications networks around the globe, and validating network products for all Tier-1 network equipment manufacturers. The company plays an active role in specifications development across 3GPP, O-RAN ALLIANCE and TIP. VIAVI has participated in every global Open RAN PlugFest, providing benchmarking and validation, and now offers the most comprehensive test suite in the industry, including lab validation, field deployment and service assurance.


Wistron NeWeb Corporation (WNC) is a leading network communications solutions provider headquartered in Hsinchu, Taiwan, with annual revenue of US$ 3.6 billion. WNC has an R&D base in Taiwan, manufacturing facilities, and sales offices in Taiwan, Vietnam, China, the U.S., U.K., Germany, Japan and Mexico, and a workforce of over 11,000 employees worldwide. WNC provides whole-range communications solutions covering 5G edge infrastructure, Wi-Fi 6/7, satellite broadband, automotive infotainment, automotive telematics, ADAS and high speed switches, SD-WAN solutions and 5G open RAN devices. Leveraging its expertise in antenna/RF design and system integration, WNC is a key supplier to networking brands, tier-1 telecom operators, automakers, and automotive electronics companies.


The Auray OTIC and Security Lab is the first Asia OTIC Lab approved by O-RAN Alliance, and dedicated to the development of 5G Open-RAN. Its main business of Auray Technology Corp, which is an SME contributor of the O-RAN ALLIANCE, is a third-party test laboratory focusing on communication technology with cross-disciplinary expansion and integration services in Taiwan. As one of the qualified O-RAN Alliance Open Testing and Integration Centres (OTIC), Auray OTIC and Security Lab provides a collaborative, open, and impartial working environment.

Anritsu Company, Inc

Anritsu Corporation (www.anritsu.com) is a global provider of innovative communications test and measurement solutions. The company’s philosophy engages customers as true partners to help develop wireless, optical, microwave/RF, and digital solutions for R&D, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance applications, as well as multidimensional service-assurance solutions for network monitoring and optimization. Anritsu also provides precision microwave/RF components, optical devices, and high-speed electrical devices for communication products and systems. The company develops advanced solutions for 5G, M2M, IoT, as well as other emerging and legacy wireline and wireless communication markets. Anritsu sells in over 90 countries worldwide with approximately 4,000 employees.


At Keysight (NYSE: KEYS), we inspire and empower innovators to bring world-changing technologies to life. As an S&P 500 company, we're delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engineers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product life cycle. We're a global innovation partner enabling customers in communications, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, automotive, semiconductor, and general electronics markets to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world


Metanoia, whose name is derived from the Greek word for changing one’s mind or perspective, embraces this concept as its guiding principle. 

Established in 2004 in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan, Metanoia Communications Inc. 5G System-on-Chip IC design company specializes in Software Defined Radio (SDR) and 5G/B5G PHY design for Open RAN Radio Units and Small Cell base stations.

Metanoia’s cutting-edge technology in 5G wireless semiconductor solutions, delivering 5G RF chips and highly integrated 5G SOC with Digital Front End, RTOS CPU, ADC/DAC, complemented by semi-turnkey Hardware/Software Development Kits and Automatic Test Tool for Time-to-Market reference designs, solidifying our standing as a reliable and pioneering provider in the dynamic realm of 5G technology.

Metanoia 5G SDR Chipsets Solution –

  • MT2812 : 5G NR DFE SOC

                Programmable SDR Baseband IC for 5G NR Digital Front End

  • MT3812 : 5G NR Sub-6GHz RFIC

                Sub-6GHz Tri-band 2×2 MIMO RF Transceiver with DPD observation path

  • Completed Hardware HDK, Software SDK and Automatic Test Tool for Time-to-Market.


LitePoint creates wireless test solutions and services for the world’s most innovative wireless device makers, helping them to ensure their products perform for today’s demanding consumers. A leading innovator in wireless testing, LitePoint products come out of the box ready to test devices that incorporate widely used wireless technologies. LitePoint works with the leading makers of smartphones, tablets, PCs, wireless access points, and chipsets. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, and with offices worldwide, LitePoint is a wholly owned subsidiary of Teradyne (Nasdaq:TER), a leading supplier of automatic test equipment and industrial automation solutions. For more information, visit teradyne.com. Teradyne® is a registered trademark of Teradyne, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.


Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

  • Founded in 1973, an independent non-for-profit innovation institution to create economic and societal values
  • Develop advanced technologies for commercialization
  • Cultivate open innovation with academia, industry, and global partners
  • Incubates startups in emerging industries


Information and Communications Research Laboratories (ICL)

  • Promoting industry-academia-research collaboration in B5G/6G on both domestic and international fronts.
  • Wireless network access technology
  • Wireless communication signal processing platform, protocol, baseband, RF and antenna
  • Privacy network management
  • V2X communication technology
  • Software-defined network technology
  • Network function virtualization technology
  • AR/VR/MR multimedia interactive technology
  • Core technology for video coding
  • LEO satellite communication technology
  • Remote communication and network relay
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems and Audio Mobile Video Applications
  • Perception and Processing for Unmanned Vehicles
  • Technologies for Financial and Regulatory Systems
  • Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Driving Systems
  • Information Security
  • Big Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence
  • Software-Defined Data Center
  • Hardware as a Service (HaaS) Technologies
  • Software-Defined Storage Service Technologies
  • Deep Learning Model Technologies
  • Intelligent Edge Computing Platform Technologies




The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is Singapore’s fourth public university and one of the first universities in the world to incorporate design, AI, and technology into a multi-disciplinary curriculum. SUTD was established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and seeks to advance knowledge and nurture technically-grounded leaders and innovators to serve societal needs. SUTD also hosts the Future Communications Research and Development Programme (FCP), which aims to future-proof Singapore’s communications and connectivity capabilities.




BubbleRAN is a software company, located in south of France, dedicated to telecom delivering a range of best-in-class flexible 4G/5G solutions empowered by cloud-native O-RAN, Edge Computing, and Generative AI technologies for R&D and enterprise private 5G. BubbleRAN helps organizations to deploy, operate, and automate a high-performance, reliable, and secure 4G/5G O-RAN infrastructure at scale that is simple to use, customize and extend.

